Sunday, January 16, 2011


So on Friday night my boyfriend and I were talking and I can't remember how but I just started crying (oh and just a note when I have these breakdowns/panic attacks I usually have a hard time remembering what started it) so my bf was trying to calm me down and it took FOREVER! I felt soo bad that I put him through that. Then yesterday I had a good day and then it went bad kind of all of a sudden and then my bf and I came home and I had another break down! He sat with me and finally got me calm enough to make physical contact with me (another note when I'm having a break down/panic attack I really don't like to be touched. I really only like my back rubbed) So once he got me calmed down enough all I wanted was for him to hug me and he did and it was wonderfull. So today he is taking me out to do alittle shopping for my birthday, and i'm kinda excited....I kinda love shopping, but NOT clothes shopping that stresses me out. And after we get back we're having my birthday dinner with my family.....ugh! They're gonna sing happy birthday to me! NOOOOOOO!!!! I really don't like attention so my birthday is kinda my worst nightmare. So we'll see how it goes. I will post again either tonight or tomorrow morning. Goodbye all!

Toria <3

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