Friday, January 14, 2011

My session

So I went for my session with my counsuller. Things went well I was really not feeling well emotionaly so going to see her was good because it gave me a chance to let out my emotion in a safe way. I cried and that sucked but I felt soooo much better after. So I just talk about how this month is rough because I have a few sad anniversaries. I am slowly getting through the month. Tomorrow is my grandfather's birthday so it will be a hard day because he is no longer with us. I am also working that morning so I have to try and stay calm untill I can go home. I am having my birthday dinner on sunday and my actual birthday is on wednesday but I don't even want to celebrate it because it's the day one of my pets died. I actually found him dead when i woke up.....yeah happy birthday me! FUCK! I hate thinking about having to aknowledge my birthday. I wish I could just forget when I was born. So I have my doctors appointment next friday so I can finally figure out what the hell is going on!

Toria <3

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