Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Birthday, blood donation and school

Hello everyone,

So today is my birthday and it is actually an exact anniversary of the day I was born. Wednesday, January 19. So Happy 17th Birthday to me! I am actually staying pretty positive today. I am thinking about moose though (he is the pet that died on my birthday 2 years ago.) but I know I can't keep living my life based on who died on what day. I have to let myself be happy. I will probably cry at some point today but I won't let myself cry at school. I am just going to thank people for wishing me a happy birthday and get through my classes. Then at the end of the day I am going to go home eat and then go and donate my blood to the blood bank. I am officially old enough to donate! I am very excited because I think it important to help people in need even if I'll never know who I helped. I am also going to donate for my little sister's birthday as my gift to her (thats actually what she wants) I am soo proud of her! She is just like me.....which is scary in some sences because she happens to share my temper (i've had to stop her more than once from kicking someone ass) yep thats my sister. Everyone says we're the same and I'm sure that because We are only 15 months appart so we were babies together and we spent basically our whole lives together. So when some one tells me she has told a teacher off or something I can't help my smile because she is soo much like me and I couldn't be more proud. So on a different note I am currently at school. I usually work in a student success room (or 108 as we normally call it) but the princible shut it down for 1st period for some stupid study thing so I am stuck in the library. Which sucks because it is sooooo loud! In 108 it is usually quiet but in here, not even close so I am trying to stay calm and focused but the noise is driving me CRAZY! I hate when they close 108. But I was told that I will be able to be in there after lunch which is when my actual class is in there so it should be fine. If things get to bad in here noise wise I will just leave because I have a spare right now so I don't HAVE to be here. In about 30 or 40 minutes I will be going to my next class and we are just doing presentations so we don't have to do any actual work, which is good because it's my birthday and I don't really feel like working. So I'm gonna leave it at that. I will probably post tonight and let you know how my blood donation went.

Toria <3

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