Monday, January 17, 2011

Birthday Dinner Disaster

So Yesterday was my birthday dinner day, and I got up and went downstairs and was going to make breakfast and my sister started to just say all of these things to like put me down and whatever and I got really frustrated, so I was telling my mom and i was crying my eyes out and then my dad got into it and went to talk to my sister and she lied and said that I said all this shit that i never said so I was like wow wtf! and I calmed down after a bit and then my boyfriend came over and we went shopping and it was great! I love him soooo much and he is so great to me. Then we came home and watched some movies and cuddeled on the couch and then went and had dinner with my parents and sisters and my mom made my all time favorite cake it's brownie with penut butter and cream chesse in the middle.....OMG it is soooo good! I've had it the last couple of birthdays and I love it. So I am off to school soon and I have to give 2 presentations today but one is just with the teacher and the other i am working with my bf so we present together, so everything should go well. Then i'm done all my assignments and such except that I have to hand in one thing before exams but it's done so all i have to do is print it off. So YAY! On wednesday it is my actual birthday, I am turning 17 and I'm still having mixed feelings about it. I just don't know how I feel about it, and now I only have 2 days to get myself ready for it. UGH! First semester is almost over I have 2 exams and then I'm done. Next semester is going to be hard but I'm going to try my best. I don't think I have any classes with my bf though which sucks. I am not really looking forward to next semester but if it goes by as quickly as first did then it will be fine. Well I'm off to get ready for school.

Toria <3

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