Monday, January 10, 2011

It's been 4 days

So I made it through my first week back at school. My weekend was good, saturday I didn't really get anything done but sunday was very productive! My boyfriend and I got 3 and a half projects done between the two of us. Which is great! I really needed to get stuff done because I have not been work on all! So sunday was great! I have to go and do my Dog walking job today and then over to the bf's to work on some more stuff. I am a little upset right now though because I was going to sleep in this morning since I don't have a period 1 class but I woke up at much for sleeping in but thats the story of my life. So I am just going to shower and relax till 9:20 then off to school. UGH SCHOOL!

Toria <3

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