Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today was.....alright.

Today actually went alright. I had ANOTHER fight with my dad. Then i went to school and Nic kept my mind off of what today was. I do miss my grandfather but I know he wouldn't want me to be down all day. I hope that i can do that for the next two weeks also because I have 2 more bad days. one next week and one the week after that. I spent alot of time with my boyfriend tonight which was nice. We are very suspisious that his little brother may have a girlfriend.......mwahahaha. We are gonna investigate! When we find anything out I'll be sure to post. Tomorrow is Friday, Thank goodness! I am sooo ready for the weekend! But I have to work and get projects done....ugh never mind the weekend is gonna suck! I am going to try and start a workout regiment soon. My boyfriend and I are really wanting to get into shape.....I mean we're not fat but we just don't excersise as much as we should. I will also post about that once it gets going.

Toria <3

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