Thursday, January 6, 2011

Missing my Grandfather......alot

Today is the two year aniversary of my grandfather's death. I don't feel ready for today. I don't feel ready for it to have been 2 years since I've seen my grandfather, since I held his hand and told him I loved him. I wish I could go back and see him one more time. I wish that sooo much. I think today is going to be hard. My boyfriend knows what today is and he is going to be looking out for me. I just wish I could stay in bed all day and not have to be around anyone. I could just lay in bed and cry and miss my grandfather. I know that he would want me to just move on, but how can I? I lost so many love ones two years ago so there are alot of aniversarys and there will be a one year aniversary this year also. I will post again tonight.....maybe to see how my day went.

Toria </3

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