Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Fuck this! I'm having a bad day and it's oly 9am. I just got into a fight with my dad and sister and I am soo angry! This is the second day that he's upset me before I had to go to school. I don't even want to go now but I don't want to be around him so going to school upset is better than being stuck in the house with him all day. I love my family but I'm just sick of the way things work around here. Any time I try to say what I'm feeling I get fucking yelled at! WTF! I am sooo done with this shit! I'm leaving for school soon and I don't know if I'll be coming back to the house untill late tonight. And if I do come home after school I'll be in my room all night! Thats where I spend most of my nights because it's too hard to be anywhere near people. So thanks to my dad and sister i am now very upset my anxiety is through the roof and i feel sick.....good job guys!

Toria </3

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