Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My body is killing me!

I feel like my body has turned against me! I don't know what to do. My dad is making an appointment with my doctor for me because I am getting abscesses alot......Those started when I got one on the back of my leg over the summer and it was bad and after that I kept getting them and they are really bothering me I am just getting over one on my hip and it's healing. Another reason why I'm going is my muscle twiches are coming back, and they are worse. Everytime I try to fall asleep my legs start to twich and I had these for a while and they went away for the longest time and now they're coming back even sitting here typing this my legs are twiching I am sitting in class right now and my legs are moving. I have when they do that because I don't want everyone to know that I have this and it's kinda noticable....ugh! I wish I could just hide in my room. and the final reason I am going is the worst! I used to have foot cramps and for anyone who has never had them, they are awful! They hurt soooooo much I used to get them all the time and they stoped for sooo long and I was sooo happy and last week or two weeks ago I got one and it was too too bad but it hurt but yesterday I had one that last almost 30 minutes and I had three in a row within that time. When my foot would start to relax and I thought it was over it would start again and i did that twice I had 3 foot cramps in a row I am pretty sure that is that most I've ever had. I am soooo tried of the way my body is acting! I am hopefully going to get in to see the doctor soon but you never know if they have a ton of appointments already booked. Today I have an appointment with my counsuller and I havn't seen her in a while so I think it would be good to have a session with her. I usually go once every 2 weeks but over christmas i got busy and then she went on vacation so I havn't seen her in about a month, ok just a note my legs are STILL twiching! and When I told my dad how it was affecting my sleep he had me take half a dose of nyquill to help me sleep i use that because when I take it it puts me right to sleep but the shitty part is that it makes me really fuzzy the next day and I have a hard time focusing but I am managing right now so hopefully I will wake up a but more during the day. I am going to my boyfriends after my appointment this afternoon and then coming home and getting some sleep....maybe. I just need rest and for my body to quit messing with me, I am really feeling like I have no control and that scares me, I mean I can deal with not having control over some stuff but MY OWN BODY! I think that something I should have some control over and right now I don't. So I'll end my post there and update tomorrow and talk about my session and then again after my doctors appointment whenever that will be. Hope everyone else is doing well.

Toria <3

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