Saturday, January 1, 2011

Forgot to post bad

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's 2011! I spent new years eve with my boyfriend and his family and some friends. It was sooooo much fun! My anxiety has been really good lately, I am very happy about that. I feel really happy and calm. I hope it stays this way. This year I am doing a photo project where I take a picture of myself everyday for the whole year then I put them all together in a video thing. It should be fun. Tomorrow I'm going to my boyfriends and hanging out with him and his brother for a while then he and I are going back to my house for dinner with my uncle and cousin that I havn't seen in a long time. It'll be nice to see them again. I think thats all for this post. Happy New Year! All the best wishes for 2011!

Toria <3

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