Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Break is over! :(

I am very sad to say that my christmas break is over and tomorrow morning I have to go back to school. Christmas break was great and I wish it could go on for a loooooooong time. So I am going to bed soon then up early and off to school. I am going to have make an appointment with my doctor soon. I used to have twitches for all parts of my body and they were frequent and kinda violent and for a long time they when away, and now they're back....ugh! they are mainly in my legs and they happen alot when I'm trying to fall asleep....go figure. So my dad is going to ask my doctor about it next time he goes in which will be either this week or next week. I also have a family therapy meeting  on tuesday and hopfully my older sister will actually come with us this time. But I'm actually not sure how I feel about her coming. I guess we'll see. Hope everyone had a great holiday.

Toria <3

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