Friday, January 21, 2011

Blood Donation

So on Wednesday I went and donated blood. I was sooooooooo freaking nervous. I mean i felt like i was going to puke i was shaky the whole bit so I was actually having my dobts that I would actually go through with it. I sat and waited and when it was my turn I got in the chair and my boyfriend sat next to me and held my hand and it did hurt a bit when the needle went in and then as they started to take my blood my fingers startes to feel tingly and so they had me squeze a stress ball and my fingers felt fine again and then after about a minute and a half the girl who was taking my blood said "you're about half way through" and I was surprised! Because they told me that it could take any where from 5 to 10 minutes plus another 5 minutes of pressure on the site of the needle. and I took about 3 or 4 minutes and then the added 5 minutes of pressure. Then I had a juice and a cookie and got in the car. When I got home and started to eat my dinner I started to feel full really fast and I started to feel REALLY tired. My dad said well let me get your cake and you can blow out the candels and then you can go to bed. So i layed down on the couch and waited for them to get the cake and sure enough I fell asleep......hahahahaha! so they woke me up and I blew out the candles and then I said thank you and headed up stairs to go to bed and I slept really well. They had told me at the donnor clinic that I might feel tired for 2 to 3 days and man have I ever apperantly it is rare to feel tired for more than the first night but I was very tired and still am but it should go away by tomorrow. Tonight I am going to see my doctor at 5:30 and then going to my boyfriend's house for my birthday dinner that they are giving me. Then tomorrow I have work in the morning and then I am most likely babysitting! I am very excited! I babysit 2 year old twins and they're older brother, the brother is a bit of a handfull so luckily my boyfriend and I are just watching the girls! I have missed them sooooo much lately so I am very happy I might get to go see them. I will leave it there I will post again soon. Have a good weekend all!

Toria <3

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