Sunday, December 26, 2010


Sorry about the title it doesn't really explain what this post is about but thats just the best way I can describe how i'm feeling. So to start off why I'm feeling this way I will explain part of my last post. So last night we went to my Grandfathers for dinner and his girlfriend who lives with him was there obviously. And durring dinner she said something about women who like other women. I didn't quite catch it but it was something about "theres so many of them......(and then she said something in dutch that I think meant Dyke)" and I tooke extreme offense to this because I am Bisexual. There I said it. My family does not know about this. The only person who knows is my Boyfriend and he was soo supportive when I told him. But sadly he was not at the dinner last night so when I heard her say this I almost lost it. But I knew if I did that my parents would say that I need to calm down and it's just my anxiety acting up again and thats why i'm mad. I HATE WHEN THEY SAY THAT! yes sometime my anger is caused by my disorders but not ALL the time! So I told my bf when I got home and he just let me rant and then did his normal calming bf talk and I felt much better but I am still very angry about it. Closed minded people make me sooo mad! I have never come out to my family because of this exact kind of situation, they will say something about it being wrong or whatever. I think my parents might be okay with it but my older sister will probably critasise me and say i'm lying. So the only person who knows is the only person i want to know. Sadly thats just the way things are with my and my boyfriends family. He is wican and his grand mother and other people in his family are very religious and are sstrongly christain so he was never told her that he is wican if immediate family knows......his brother makes fun of it and his parents don't really care. I wish he would tell the rest of his family but I would be a hypacrite if i pushed him beacause i am doing the same thing but with a different secret. So theres my rant. Please leave comments and if you have any question I will answer all of them. I am off today to go to my bf's uncle and aunt's for dinner. So we'll see how that goes. Hope everyone is having a great holiday!

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