Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Time!

I forgot to post yesterday. My bad. So today is Christmas! I got my violin that I wanted! I'm soo happy! I also dyed my hair again. Recently my claustrophobia has been really bad, tonigh while eating dinner at my Grandfather's i started to feel traped and panicy luckily my dad got up to go out and have a smoke so I had an accuse to leave the table. I told him how I was feeling and he took me for a little walk to let me calm down. Then after I got home and dyed my hair I called my Boyfriend and he told me that his family is planning on going to london over march break to visit his cousin and they want me to come! I'm very exicted I hope it works out but on the 14th of march which is when the break starts I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out so I will have to be cleared by my dentist before I get to go anywhere. We still have alot of planning to do before all of this happens so hopefully we can work everything out. I'll be off to bed soon and then tomorrow I'm going to my bf''s aunt and uncle's for dinner and I've never met them before so it will be interesting to see how I do with the situation of meeting new people and being in a different place and there will be other family there to so it might be a little crowded. Hopefully I will be ok and able to stay in the house as long as possible. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!

Toria <3

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