Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First Post

This is my first post for my new blog. We should start with an introduction. You can call me toria, I am almost 17 and have had anxiety my entire life. I only really started to struggle with it 3 years ago. Since then my life had changed ALOT. I have developed depression and been officially diagnosed with two anxiety disorders. I have a social anxiety disorder (SAD) and a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). My anxiety originally sufaced when I was born I had severe seperation anxiety from my mother, but sadly it was not diagnosed so when I started high school i started to have strange blackouts and my doctor thought i had epilepsy, so i had a few scans done and they found out i didn't have that and eventually when I started having major panic attacks they sent me to a counsuller who had a phyciatrist come in and do an assesment. She then decided that i needed to see my own phyciatrist and thats when I was diagnosed. This post is getting long so hopefully I will be posting every day and continuing with my struggle. Thanks for reading.

<3 Toria

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