Thursday, December 23, 2010

Introduction Continued

So after being diagnosed they wanted to put me on medication, and since i don't like to take any meds for anything it was a battle for them to get me to say yes i'll try and when I finally did it didn't last long. I would just hide the pills and throw them out later and my parents found out and we went back to the Dr. to disscuss things. She said we can't force you to take anything you don't want to take, but if you begin to have any thoughts of suicide i will have to intervien and put you in the hospital. So with that I just went on my way and started seeing her once a week. Then after a while she signed me up for CBT (Cognative Behavioural Therapy) I call it group. So I did the 8 week program and things got sooo much better. Now that group is done I have been managing alright but things have been difficult. Also recently I have discovered that when I was little I was molested. I used to have strange memories of it but I never paid attention then they started getting more and more frequent and I couldn't ignore them anymore. So I told my boyfriend and I just broke down, he was so sweet and caring about it he just sat with me and told me everything would be ok and that the guy would never hurt me again. I still struggle with flashback of that and other tramatic event I have had in my life and my boyfriend is always there to help me through them. I don't know if any of you have ever had a falsh back of something tramatic but they are awfull. You really feel like you're there sometimes. I will go into some of the events later on in the blog as they come up. So thats about it for the intro. I guess i'll go on with just how my day will be today. So my bf and his mom are going out this morning to finish some christmas shopping and then picking me up and we're extanging gifts at his house tonight. It should be fun! and before we exchange gift my bf and I will just spend some time together because we won't see eachother on Christmas :( but we will see each other boxing day on so it'll be fine. Is anyone else excited for Christmas? I know I am. Well i'll post again soon.

<3 Toria

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